Important Cell & CommitteeCOMMITTEE / CELLNodal Centre - IIRS Outreach Program On GIS and Remote SensingThe Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS) under Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Department of Space, Govt. of India is a premier Training and Educational Institute set up for developing trained professionals in the field of Remote Sensing, Geo-informatics and GPS Technology for Natural Resources, Environmental and Disaster Management. Brahmananda Keshab Chandra College (BKCC), Kolkata has joined hands with IIRS as one of its nodal centre in Kolkata for carrying out the Outreach Programs on Geospatial tools for empowering and building students credibility from June 2020. The EDUSAT Outreach Program is student friendly, especially in the times of the Covid 19 pandemic the online classes and examinations were a boon for the students. This program is sponsored by the National Natural Resource Management System (NNRMS)- Standing Committee on Training Education, ISRO, Government of India. Dr. Biswarupa Ghosh, Assistant Professor, Dept of Botany, is the course Coordinator of BKCC-IIRS Outreach Program. Dr. Ghosh has successfully completed the ISRO-Sponsored NNRMS Course from IIRS, Dehradun in 2016 and is a Life member of the institution.
Examination of ISRO START Programme on “Exploration of the Solar System is Schedule on 21st May & 22nd May 2024. Eligible Participants of your institution can attend the exam as per schedule only. (Participants can see their eligibility from URL: Date of Examination: As per link T Timings: 10:00 Hrs to 1500 Hrs Total Marks: 50 Marks & 50 Questions (MCQ/True or False/Match the Followings/etc.) Duration of Examination: 30 Minute Mode of Examination: ONLINE Examination URL :
For more information: Use the following link for searching new courses and new registration: Use the following link to login for registered participants: Upcoming Course "Space Science And Awareness Training" from 24th April to 10th May ,2024.Last date for registration 23rd April.Registration link : |