Brahmananda Keshab Chandra College

ব্রহ্মানন্দ কেশবচন্দ্র কলেজ Established in 1956


Recognised under 2(f) and 12B by University Grants Commission
Affiliated to West Bengal State University

ISO Certified - 9001:2015, 14001:2015, 50001:2018

Certificate Courses


The Department offers two add-on/ certificate courses on a regular basis that are attended by students from this college as well as from other institutions.

1. Grow Your Own Mushroom

This course focusses on growing Oyster mushroom organically with minimal investment. The department has quickly developed expertise in this area, providing training to collaborating institutes, panchayat-level initiatives, and NGOs. These training programs and knowledge-sharing efforts support sustainable agricultural practices.

2. Intellectual Property Rights

IPR is essential for fostering creativity, protecting creators, driving economic growth, ensuring consumer safety, and maintaining fair competition. This course covers the fundamental aspects of intellectual property (IP), enforcement of IP rights and emerging issues in IP. It also provides a framework to foster innovation and creativity in the areas of technology, sciences, and humanities by nurturing new ideas and research, in an ethical environment. The emerging field of intellectual property has given rise to many important issues that influence our daily life very closely. With globalization of markets, these issues have taken the lead to drive our economy now as never before. India, being signatory to international treaties like TRIPS Agreement, has to follow many of the IPR protection norms.

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Report of 1st ADD-ON Course On "Intellectual Property Rights"

Report of 2nd Certificate Course On "Grow your Own Mushroom"
Report of 1st ADD-ON Course On "Grow your Own Mushroom