Brahmananda Keshab Chandra College

ব্রহ্মানন্দ কেশবচন্দ্র কলেজ Established in 1956


Recognised under 2(f) and 12B by University Grants Commission
Affiliated to West Bengal State University

ISO Certified - 9001:2015, 14001:2015, 50001:2018

How to write research paper in History

Certificate Courses



  1. Name of the Add on Course: How to write research paper in History
  2. Organizing Department: History
  3. Head of the Department (with Email and Mobile): Dr. Indranil Chattopadhyay This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it 6295385857
  4. Duration of Course: 30 Hours
  5. Target Group: UG, PG students and researchers
  6. Course Commencement Date: July, 2023
  7. Course End Date: September, 2023
  8. Evaluation Dates: September, 2023
  9. About the Certificate Course: It is an upper lavel research course work focused on the writi ng of research paper along with necessary knowledge of other discipline.
  10. Objective of the Certificate Course: Basic knowledge for the researcher for the M Phil and Ph. D work and also enhance their writing ability for peer reviewed journal.