Brahmananda Keshab Chandra College

ব্রহ্মানন্দ কেশবচন্দ্র কলেজ Established in 1956


Recognised under 2(f) and 12B by University Grants Commission
Affiliated to West Bengal State University

ISO Certified - 9001:2015, 14001:2015, 50001:2018

Department Of Education

About The Department

"Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man."- Swami Vivekananda

The Department of Education is one of the newest Departments of Brahmananda Keshab Chandra College. The department started its journey in 2015 with General course under the affiliation of West Bengal State University (Vide G.O. WBSU/IC/BKCC/Affi/59/15, Dated 09.08.2015).

At present the department has only one full-time permanent faculty. The department now follows CBCS & NEP curriculum as directed by West Bengal State University. The department is trying to do its level best for the betterment of the students under the supervision of the college authority and the Principal.

The objectives of the department are -

  • To build a better future for the students.

  • To provide student-centric education.

  • To provide education not only for acquiring knowledge but also for applying it in their life.

  • To provide quality education among the rural, socially and economically weaker students.

Course Offered

B.A. General (Programme) under CBCS

B.A. Minor under NEP