Brahmananda Keshab Chandra College

ব্রহ্মানন্দ কেশবচন্দ্র কলেজ Established in 1956


Recognised under 2(f) and 12B by University Grants Commission
Affiliated to West Bengal State University

ISO Certified - 9001:2015, 14001:2015, 50001:2018

Department of Fishery Science

About the Department

The DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL FISH AND FISHERIES of Brahmananda Keshab Chandra College evolved as a satellite one of the Department of Zoology in the year 1997 under Xth plan of University Grants Commission with a funding tenure of five years. It was initially designated by University Grants Commission as a Vocational stream, like few others as Industrial Chemistry, Sericulture, Nutrition, Automobile Engineering etc. in different colleges of the state and others.

Credit goes to Dr. Atri Kumar Chatterjee, the then Principal of the college, and Dr. Kalpana Bose of the Department of Zoology for opening this new stream, IFFV (vocational) in the College. The journey was challenging of course, because of acute crisis of space and lack of full time teaching and non-teaching staffs. A small laboratory space of the Department of Zoology was the only space for theoretical and practical classes, instrumentation, performing University bound activities along with the official works, after the classes are over. As there was no full time teacher allotted for the course, classes had to run by the voluntary services provided by the teachers of Department of Zoology. Apart from the departmental teachers, a few guest teachers were also appointed who took equal responsibilities to uphold the subject.

Students, of course, were very much cooperative to withstand such stringent conditions and it is a pleasure to mention that most of them are now well established in Government, non-government sectors and Research Institutes.

In the meanwhile, University Grants Commission stopped funding from the fifth year onward, of course, allowed the colleges to continue the course through self-funding basis. Consequently, the course could not survive in some of the Colleges due to such restrictions and paucity of students. Meanwhile, in 2000, the course was recognized as Major course shifting from its initial status of vocational. 

The department emerged as a fully independent one in the year 2012, when Dr. Ajoy Debgupta, the then Principal of the College, thankfully allotted a room with some infrastructure facilities in the ground floor. In the year 2017, the course got its ultimate recognition as Honours course when West Bengal State University approved it as B.Sc. (Hons.) in Industrial Fish and Fisheries.

Following the guidelines of syllabus, the department organized On Job Training and Field Excursions within the state and outside at different National Institutes, State level Fisheries Departments as well as Private Enterprises. The department also participated from time to time, in different National and State level Seminars and Competitions and awarded accordingly as a mark of excellence.

Active support and cooperation from the present Principal, Dr. Papia Chakraborti (whose continuous effort has made it possible for the department to have a well equipped laboratory, the Dr. Hiralal Chaudhuri laboratory), appointment of full time teacher with lot of enthusiasm and inter-departmental teaching support have made the department further potential.

The department has been renamed as DEPARTMENT OF FISHERY SCIENCE July, 2023. With the inception of NEP, 2020 guidelines, the course B.Sc. (Hons.) in Industrial Fish and Fisheries has been renamed as B.Sc. (Hons./Hons. with research) in Fishery Science (Major) from Academic Session 2023-2024. 

Establishment of Dr. Hiralal Chaudhuri Laboratory (Purchase order of Lab Equipment)